Effective self-defense techniques for the places you'll need it most:
The Streets.

One of the reasons Ving Tsun is the most effective martial art for real-world defense is because our techniques are simple and don't require strength

Anyone CAN defend themselves against a larger person, even if society tells us otherwise

Take home principles:

  • Abuse of any kind is NOT ACCEPTABLE and must be stopped

  • You can defend yourself! You don't have to be a victim! Fight back!

  • Self-defense starts several feet away from an attacker and may stop the fight cold

  • Attackers don't want nor expect rapid, aggressive counter attacks, but these techniques can incapacitate or stun, allowing you to escape

  • Escape holds, grabs from different directions, tackle attempts, and more

  • Effective self-defense techniques are those that require minimal training

The most effective techniques let you ACT and not "think" or "worry" in a life or death situation